Best thing that you can ever do for your love ones |
July 9th 2011. A day that a lot of Malaysian will not forget. Yes.. we have create another historic day for our nation.
However, due to many roadblocks and road closure, both me and Brandon decided to stay at home and search for something to do to fill up our time at home besides normal chores. Then he suddenly popped out a request:" Pooh Bear.. can bake cheese cake for me to eat ar??" I was like :"hah?!" And then I thought..:"well... It's been many years since I bake one. But Never once Brandon tasted my homemade cheese cake before." And so we decided to drive out somewhere in my neighborhood baking shop to purchase some ingredients for his request.
To bake a small cheese cake, all you need are some basic simple ingredients.
The cheese cake:
1 block of Philadelphia Cream Cheese 250gm
1 teaspoon of gelatin powder
4 1/2 table spoon of condensed milk (sweetness are up to your taste buds. If you like it sweeter then add more, if you like it less sweetening. Then add lesser.)
1 teaspoon of Vanilla essence or
to make your cheese cake more luxurious, buy the vanilla stick cut to half and use the tip of your knife and script off the vanilla seeds. Trust me, is really more tastier than the vanilla essence.
The Base:
1/2 bag Oreo crumbs (can purchase from any baking ingredient store)
50gm SCS salted butter
Blueberry Paste
Almond Flakes
To start, you need to have the 1 block of Philadelphia Cream Cheese beaten to light and fluffy. then add in the vanilla essence or vanilla seeds, condensed milk. Use small amount of hot water to melt the 1 teaspoon of gelatin powder, then add in to the readied mixture.
Then to create the cheesecake base. Very simple. Just mix the butter and the Oreo crumb till even.
I cut a small portion out to decorate specially for Brandon |
I cut it nicely and put it in a sushi box and decorate differently to make it look like dessert sushi. |
To make it easier for me to lift up the cheesecake, I used baking paper lay on my rectangular shape baking tin. Then I scoped the mixed Oreo crumb into the tin, and uses my palm to press the crumb evenly. Put in the 180c oven bake for 10mins bring out, cool it for bout 10mins, then pour the cheesecake mixture on to the base. Spread it evenly and put back into the oven for about 10 - 15mins. Bring out from the oven let it cool down. Put in the refrigerator for 1 1/2 hour.
Bring out from the refrigerator, spread blueberry paste on the cheese cake. Then sprinkle as much almond flakes as possible. And its done.
Another Piece of Cheese cake I decorated and put in a bento box |
Accompany with my Blue Berry Cheese Cake, I have cooked a semi proper full course dinner for my hubby Brandon. Which he is happy with it.. I mean VERY HAPPY DUDE HIS that night..
Braise Pork with Egg, Fried Chicken, and Stir Fried Yuen Choi |